Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mona Rambo

Noticed these flyers (there are 3 seperate ones showed) at the local library. They were advertising a show for the Arts Festival. They grabbed my attention especially seeing the "Mona Lisa Rambo".
Repetition has been used cleverly by pasting a modified 'Mona Lisa' face onto different, recognisable characters and themes touched up with some graphic art. Each figure/character is central and large.
Playful and amusing.

Monday, February 16, 2009

This is promoting and advertising a graphic design company called '2 Hot Marketing". (www.2hotmarketing.co.uk/graphicdesign.htm ). The bright poppy colours is what drew me to it. The use of circles and rainbow colours are pretty 70's yet it's still sophisticated. The bottom right diaganol is busy and moving, the other half is quiet and serious. 2 oppposites. It's playful and trendy and does the job of advertising graphic design in the 20th century.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I found this on a yahoo page. I like the shadowy silhoette of the city buildings with a tourquiose sky and the movement of the fire-like lines across the bottom. Having the name of the show across the middle sperates this piece into two separate images that work well with each other.